Monday, December 30, 2013

End of Year update: 30 December 2013

30 December, 2013

It is end of year time and we have so much to be thankful for.  Here are some pictures from the past few months.

We kicked off November 1st with our annual CAM international program.  It was filled with colorful outfits from around the world as our students and staff represent 21 countries.  There was even a fashion show that Susan and Larry participated in.

Susan in her Indian Sari

Larry wearing "old guys rule" outfit

In early November the National Church Ministerial Course held its graduation with 17 completing the course over a three-year period.  It is more a Bible study course giving a good foundation in the Bible for church leadership.

November 10th our maid was married.  Weddings are a big event in Mozambique and lasts over several days with big parties, gift givings and large meals.  Because it is such a huge event, most are not able to afford to get married.  Fatima waited 23 years.  She was a beautiful bride and we are so happy for her.

Fatima and Eduardo

Fatima acting out the "domestic" responsibilities

November 16th was the church ordination ceremony where two church leaders were ordained as pastors.   It was special to have Bruce and Mabel Callender visiting for three weeks.  Bruce was able to ordain our new pastors and they both participated in many activities while they were here.

Praying for new pastors Nelio and Francisco

giving the pastor's wives a new copolanna wrap-around

Larry with the new pastors and wives

November 23rd was a very momentous day for our seminary as we held the first graduation ceremony of our four-year bachelor program.  Bruce and Mabel Callender were the special speakers.  We had 18 graduates who are now trained and ready to help lead their churches.  

December was filled with activities, end of the semester for CAM school, and we ended with the Christmas Program on the 13th.  Here are a few memories of that special night.

Susan directing her 60 member choir of K-6th graders

High School worship team shared a number

No program is complete without a lot of goodies

We pray you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2014 will be a year filled with the Joy of Jesus in your lives.

Larry & Susan

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