Saturday, April 16, 2011

rat, rest, CAM construction, and summit

April 17, 2011

Since our last blog we have had a week break from school, been to South Africa to see the dentist and the doctor and to buy supplies, and we have had another work day at the new school site.  Each day continues to bring new adventures and challenges.

During the school break we took a few days to travel to South Africa for some R & R.  We usually stay at Mercy Air which is a large beautiful compound with many guest rooms and cottages that are rented at reasonable rates to missionaries needing some rest.  Each place has a kitchen or access to a kitchen and it is a beautiful place. 
Our room at Mercy Air in South Africa
I guess missionaries aren’t the only ones that enjoy the beauty of Mercy Air.  The first night we were there we had a little furry visitor.  This little creature was different than his relatives, because in the morning after his visit, Larry discovered a hole gnawed in his toothpaste tube.  When Susan needed the hand soap, she looked high and low for this huge bar of soap that had been there the night before.  Larry discovered it behind the laundry basket with big gnaw marks as well as little claw marks where he tried to haul it away.  Goodness!  This little guy was concerned about his hygiene.  We even had food in plain sight and the rat didn’t even bother with that.  By the 4th night we had finally rounded up a rat trap and put an enticing piece of pizza as a lure.  About 3 a.m. Monday morning we heard a big snap and we got it!

School is back in session and there are 31 school days before graduation.  Everyone is ready for the summer break, and we still have several weeks to go. 

Dinah painting...more on herself than the wall?
Marie painting the trim in a High School classroom
building the new entrance to the offices and reception area
The new school building continues to progress.  Several students came out during the break and finished painting four classrooms.  It will be a bit of time before the next classrooms are ready to paint.  The walls are getting higher and it is exciting to see all the work that is going on.  We were able to submit the plans to build the bathroom block.  Pray that we will get construction license quickly to build it in time for August.

During the break three CAM students and one teacher were able to attend a special summit to encourage high school students to get involved in their communities and help make things better.  There were about 16 American International schools from all over Africa represented.  The students had to present projects they had been a part of and ones there were planning to accomplish.  Our students presented the plan that we have to offer a sports program to the community kids in the neighborhood of our new school.  It is wonderful to hear the ideas the kids have and see their enthusiasm for what they can do.  The highlight for the students was meeting one of the key note speakers, Graca Machel.  She is the former wife of the first president of Mozambique and is now the wife of Nelson Mandela.  They were so impressed with her. 

Mr. Ben, Joash, Ude and Caris meeting Mrs. Graca Machel at the Summit
Thanks so much for your prayers.  We pray that this Easter season will be a time to reflect on the great sacrifice of love that was made for us.  The Lord is risen!  He is risen indeed!!

Larry & Susan