Thursday, April 12, 2012

Catching up and counting down the days to return to Mozambique

12 April 2012

Ahh!!  Spring is on the way!  The signs are all around us.  The weather is warming up and the grass is growing and needs to be mowed now and all the daffodils are blooming.  Just the other day we even saw two newts.  They are very interesting creatures.  I don’t think I have seen a newt before.

Avon Park Holiness Camp Meetings in Florida
            I see that we haven’t written in awhile.  As you can guess, we have been busy.  As I look at our calendar there aren’t many open spaces left.  Since our last blog we have been to Florida and back.  Our time at the Avon Park camp meetings was so beneficial spiritually and physically.  The speakers were inspiring and the fellowship was warm.  We were so blessed.  We spent a few extra days there enjoying some time off.

DCC Men's Bible Study group: Breakfast at Weils
            Once we returned to Washington State we were involved in a mission conference in Oak Harbor where we were in charge of the kid’s program and Susan was the speaker at the ladies’ luncheon.  We have been able to stay in Sequim a few weeks and enjoyed some overnight company as well as having friends over for meals.  So far we have had 100 people in our home for a meal or an overnight stay.  Larry invited his Bible study group over for a pancake breakfast.  There were 21 men!  It took lots of work but we had a great time. 

Sequim Bible Church Worship Team
            We have had dental appointments, joined the choir at church for Easter and even were part of a quartet that shared a special number at our home church.  It has been great to be at our home church for three Sundays in March.  We shared at all three of the services on Sunday, March 25th at our home church in Sequim. 

            The third weekend of March we went to eastern WA to spend the weekend with Larry’s family and share in his home town community.  The weather has been very strange lately and we praise the Lord that we had clear passes as we traveled over the mountains.  The passes were good the day we traveled and the day we traveled back but the passes were actually closed right before our trip and the day after we got back home.

            We spent the first Sunday in April at Susan’s home church in Chilliwack, B.C. and were able to say goodbye to most of the family up there.  Larry had a very bad cold and could barely speak so it was a bit of a struggle, but he managed to speak on Sunday and Monday night too. 

Easter morning with friends and their girls
            Easter was a glorious weekend of celebrating Christ’s resurrection.  Our church put on an amazing display of Christ’s last days on the earth.  It was a sober reminder of His great sacrifice.  Sunday morning we joined the choir to present some beautiful numbers.  We had friends from the Seattle area visiting us with their four girls.  Our house was full of laughter and activities.

            Larry has been extremely busy working on the CAM yearbook getting it printed here and it is now in the mail.  We pray it will arrive in South Africa before the end of school so it can be distributed to all the CAM students and teachers.  

boxing and wrapping the library books for shipment
He also has been working on a huge shipment of library books that were donated to CAM by our librarian friend, Nancy Hesch.  They are going by surface so it will take several months to arrive in Maputo.

            We are three weeks away from our projected return time.  Our support is coming in and we are close to our goal.  We are so thankful for our supporters.  We are so blessed to have so many partner with us in the ministry in Mozambique. 

            We have one more trip to take before heading to Toronto, ON to say goodbye to Susan’s dad.  We are flying to New Mexico to speak at a supporting church in Red River this Sunday and then will fly to California to visit dear friends before heading back to Sequim to do our final packing. 

            We thank the Lord for an amazing home assignment time.  He has provided for all our needs through so many of our supporters.  We are so blessed and pray that our next term (our fourth) will be Spirit-filled and that we will serve the Lord with all our hearts, soul and strength.

            Our next blog update will be sent from Mozambique, Lord willing.