Sunday, May 23, 2010

CAM school Picnic

May 23, 2010

Dear Friends and family,
These are very busy days for Susan and myself at CAM school and for the mission.  The past month has been busy with programs, potlucks and yesterday we capped the year with the annual CAM picnic.  We had a very good day of fun and activities for the students and families, but we also had a tragedy.

Would you please pray for John Jeong, a 5th grader at CAM.  We are not sure what happened, but at the picnic area there was a fire pit outside the fence that we think a ball had gone into.  John jumped in to get it (we think) and he didn't know the ash was still hot.  He burned his feet quite badly, so we washed the ash off the burned areas and notified his parents who met us back at CAM.  John was treated at the trauma center and is home recovering.  90% is superficial, but 10% of the burn is serious.  He'll recover, but it will be very painful the next few weeks.  Your prayers would be very much appreciated.

At the picnic we had four bbq's cooking and a large amount of salads and deserts.  Afterwards, our Sixth grade teacher, Ms Davidge, organized many games for the kids to play.  This was the longest picnic we can remember with families not wanting to leave until almost 5pm.  Although there was tragedy, we believe the picnic as a whole was a good ending to the CAM school year.

This coming week will be the final week for our two seniors, Orlando and Miriã.  Graduation is on the 31st and the final day of school is on the 2nd. 

The CAM Yearbook is coming along nicely and we have 2/3 printed and we should be able to finish the remaining seven pages by the end of the week so we can punch, collate and bind the 85 books.  We give out the Yearbook the final day and have a signing party.  We'll end the day with bbq hotdogs, chips and soft drinks for all.

Another item for prayer is the Sunday Night Fellowship.  It is an English service we have been attending for over a year.  We still mentor and attend our Portuguese church service each Sunday morning.

The Sunday Night Fellowship has had some changes as all the former leadership have left the country and now Larry and two others are leading this fellowship.  Larry is also the treaurer/finance person for the church.  We recently moved the service to our seminary.  This is exciting and the service really ministers to Expats and missionaries needing to worship in English.  Pray for us as we seek the Lord's will for this fellowship. 

Lastly, as the end of the school year approaches, we are busy making plans for the next two months.  Several items to pray for:

 1.  CAM textbook order ships from the USA on the 26th and is due to arrive in port July 14th.  Pray it arrives on time and that the paperwork we need to process and clear customs will proceed quickly.
2.  We are losing a few teachers and we need to find qualified replacements for August.  This is very difficult as Mozambican teachers generally are not well trained or speak English well enough to teach the American curriculum we have.  We also have limited finances to be able to offer salaries that are sufficient to interest teachers from the U.S., thus we need missionaries willing to raise their own support but have a heart for teaching missionary children.  3.  Pray for the construction license we are seeking from the govt. to allow us to build on an office and three classrooms during the school break.  The plans are almost finished, but need to be reviewed and agreed upon before we can submit to the government for approval.  This will take a lot of prayer to be able to get the paperwork done soon enough and accepted by the govt. to start and finish this project sufficiently by August 1st so we can have school begin the next week.  We trust the Lord but it will take a miracle for it to happen.  Please pray.
God Bless each and every one. 

Larry & Susan

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