Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happenings in August 2014

August 2014

CAM Staff 2014-15
Recently I felt like I was back in India helping my mom bake some family favorites, peanut butter fingers and chocolate chip cookies.  As I was mixing, I was thinking about the wonderful heritage I had growing up in India with different cultures and people.  I am so happy to be in Mozambique, directing a school that has 20 different cultures represented. Living in another country is an adventure every day.

On August 4th, CAM started its 19th year of school.  We welcomed a new kindergarten class of six and six others with a few more students interested.  We pray that the students and teachers will grow in the Lord this year and that we will live for Him.

CAM School 2nd graders

Chemistry experiment
3 Directors: Pastor Nelio (Moz), Larry and Pastor Jaco (Brazil)

Pastors conference with CONIM from Brazil held at our Compound at CAM
One of the great things about having this property is the fact that we can use it for retreats and conferences.  In July we had a youth retreat for the youth of our churches and in August we were able to host 50 pastors and church leaders for a conference.  Three pastors from Brazil came to be the speakers for the conference and the Almeida family was the ones in charge of all the details.  Our prayer for the churches and leaders is for spiritual maturity and good leadership abilities for their congregations. There is still so much spiritual darkness in Mozambique and only God’s power can overcome it.

National Church services in Khongolote

the cooks for the conference being given a coppolana (wrap around skirt)

Children attending the National Church service

front of the Living Word Evangelical Church: Khongolote

Pastor Jaco from Brazil preaching at the National Church being interpreted into Shanghan language
Construction on the CAM School auditorium
The auditorium building project is coming along.  We are seeing more work above ground now.  The first few months we didn’t see much because they were working on the foundations.  Now the roof trusses are up and the buildings around the basketball court are in process.  The students are looking forward to having the new building completed.  Larry and I walk through the construction site regularly to vision its capabilities and what blessings it will be to the school, our mission and the community.  We are hoping the structure will be finished enough for our work team that comes in mid October will have lots of opportunity to help paint and even move classes into the new buildings.
Construction worker clinging to one of the first supports for the roofing

Roof structure making good progress

preparing for the second floor above the kitchen for the Library

OMS Mozambique Team August 2014
God bless,

Susan and Larry

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