Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thanksgiving and more

Larry & Susan with the Khongolote pre-school kids

December 11, 2010

December is a busy month for us in Mozambique and we always look forward to our break from school, but before we can take that break we have many things that are on our agenda.

Thanksgiving at Boa Nova

First of all, going back to November, we had a lovely Thanksgiving with several missionary families out at Boa Nova, a missionary compound. There were 37 people who enjoyed the delicious potluck dinner.

Pastor Glenn Fretz shares the Word

After Thanksgiving we had a visit from Pastor Glenn Fretz, retired pastor from Chilliwack Evangelical Missionary Church (in Canada).  It was great to be able to show him some of our ministries as well as he was able to preach and share a couple times.

Susan with students Joash and Silvio baking goodies

Moving into December I was busy baking goodies for the staff Christmas party. I had some help from a couple of the 10th grade boys this year. Here are Silvio from Nigeria and Joash from the Philippines helping me make Nanaimo bars. (A special cookie from Canada) We also pulled out the decorations and decorated the house to make it look more festive.

CAM Staff Party at our home

The CAM staff Christmas party was December 7th and even though it was rainy in the afternoon we had a group of 22 people. There was plenty of food and during our time together we shared memories of our favorite Christmas and Christmas traditions. It is always a special time and we are blessed to have such a great staff at CAM.
Baptism in the Indian Ocean

Saturday, December 11th was a special day for five people from our church and five people from a sister church. These ten people were baptized in the ocean this morning. It was a beautiful service on the beach and we celebrate with these believers as they took this step of faith. Pray for them as they live their lives day to day, that they will make godly choices and follow the Lord in all things.


Those baptized today, December. 11, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the blog. Keep it up. I loved the picture of the ocean as I sit here in Indiana in the snow! Susan Stiles
