Where has the months of June and July gone? It has definitely been a busy two months for us. It does seem a bit of a blurr, but we will try to give a brief update.
CAM School has been a busy hub of activity all school break. Our full time teachers, after their vacations, returned to tutor some of our students who needed extra help. In all 12 students spent most of the break working on English skills (those who are English as a second language) and a couple worked on courses they needed repeat in order to meet graduation requirements. The workers did a lot of painting and repairs and Larry added a commercial reverse-osmosis water filter system. With more and more students attending, and tap water not safe to drink, we have had to purchase bottled water. It was becoming too expensive and unreliable delivery of the water helped make the decision to purchase our own water purifying system.
We also were planning on a missionary couple to arrive by July to teach 2nd grade and High School math classes. Unfortunately, they were not able to raise their support in time and their arrival has been delayed until January. Pray for the Faxons as they raise up their prayer and financial partners. So, the search was started to find replacement teachers. The Lord answered our prayers with a husband and wife who are Mozambicans but were educated and trained as teachers in Zimbabwe. As of the past week we are fully staffed and we have a record 71 students enrolled.
Due to the steady increase in enrollment over the past few years, we have now maxed out our current building and are sadly having to turn students away for lack of space. Our building has been a blessing the past 10 years but it is now time for CAM to search for a bigger facility and with more outdoor space for sports and PE. During these past two months we have searched and looked at different alternatives, but to date only one place seems both affordable and has sufficient space and buildings. Pray with us as we continue this process and we seek the Lord's direction and will for CAM's future. We'll keep you posted as things progress, but in the meantime, just pray. God knows!

Another major occurance was the completion of the Dave and Ann Dedrick's first term on the field. They have faithfully overseen all the ECC (Every Community for Christ) evangelism teams as well as the CMED (Micro Finance) program and many other responsibilities. They left for a year of Home Ministry on July 22nd. That leaves just Susan, myself and Aimee Howarth as the OMS team in Mozambique. The reality of just the three of us to oversee all our ministires is overwhelming. But we trust the Lord for his strength and wisdom as we direct the work here this year.
Another exciting milestone is the near completion of the Mocuba Training Center in Northern Mozambique. Just this past week it was innaugurated and the first pastoral training seminar conducted by our ECC workers, Juka and Abel was held. I am anxious to see pictures and hear results soon. Pray for water for this property as several bore holes were dug but no success in finding water enough to put a hand pump or submersable pump.
We are also pleased to announce that the National Church has finished the Church Discipline, or as they call it the Manuel de Disciplina. It has taken over three years to get this far and it is now being presented to the churches. This document will be so important for the church and its leaders as they grow and mature giving them tools to deal with difficulties, as well as defining pastoral and church leadership roles.
Anaother exciting opportunity is that we have visitors from Korea with us now for the next three weeks. This couple, Ilbong and Seung Yeon, are about to finish up a seven month missionary internship in Korea and the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church is sending them to Mozambique as missionaries. We are helping them with housing, meals, transportation and arranging meetings so they can get a good picture of life in Mozambique and ministry opportunities. This is a great opportunity for partnership with the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church and OMS Mozambique. Pray many doors will open for future ministry together.
Personally, we are both doing well and are healthy. We were able to take five days off recently and go to South Africa for some R & R as well as take care of routine doctor and dentist visits.
Looking back over the past two months we want to give praise to the Lord as we see His hand in so many things that have taken place. We also look forward to this next school year knowing that it will be challenging, but also encouraging. Pray with us for continued good health and strength as we continue to seek the Lord daily for spiritual direction and growth.
God Bless,
Larry & Susan